The last two weeks in Careers we have been working on communication skills. Students were unsure what communication skills had to do with having a career. I think I can safely say that they understand the interconnection now.
In the other activity students needed to role play 3 different scenarios and then explain how the scenario needed to be altered to become good communication or, in some cases, explain how their good communication took the place of a bad scenario.
Home and Careers has been working on babysitting skills and responsibilities. Today we are all going to crawl on the floor to get a child's perspective of how a home needs be baby proofed. It should be a great deal of fun and a terrific learning experience if they wear pants or shorts like I asked them too.This coming week they will be writing up a babysitting booklet with emergency procedures, responsibilities, guidelines, and activities for young children. Then we will be making sock or glove puppets and creating stories to go with them.
Textiles 1 in the H.S. has been exploring the differences between fashion styles, trends and fads. Next week we will be learning to use the machines and I hope to have every ones project order and check in so that I can order the projects the first week of October.